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Privacy Policy PH Healthcare

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy.
The following provides an overview of how your privacy is protected on this website.

How do we gather information?

Information on our website is gathered as follows:
  • indirectly (for example, through our Internet access logs. When you access our website, your Internet address is automatically collected and placed in our access logs); and
  • directly (for example, when you provide information on various pages of the website).

Throughout our site, you may have the opportunity to fill out a contact form, register for an event or conference, download content, participate in an online survey, or show your interest in recruitment. When we collect this type of information, we notify you as to why we are asking for the information and how this information will be used. It is completely up to you whether or not you want to provide it.

What about cookies?

Yes, our website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that save and retrieve information about your visit to our website such as how you entered and navigated through our site. The cookies we use identify you by number, not by name. If you are uncomfortable regarding the use of cookies, you can disable cookies on your computer by changing the settings in the preferences or options menu of your browser or in the cookie pop-up window of our website.

What information do we gather?

We may collect and use any or all of the following for the purposes outlined below:

Category of Personal Data Specific Personal Data That May Be Collected PURPOSE
1. Personal Details First Name, Last Name. For proper identification.
2. Contact Details Physical and/or E-mail Address and Contact Number. Facilitating communication.
3. Marketing and research information IP address, social media handle or other online identifiers of a person, email address / mobile number. Browser/ web history data and preferences. Analytics based on the data collected. For monitoring visits of our website, and to identify the desire for future communications.
4. Qualification History (credentials) In addition to the personal details listed above, we also collect personal details for recruitment/employment purposes and, as applicable, educational information, professional or employment-related information, memberships, and certifications. To assess suitability for the position applied for or to other positions that could be satisfied by the qualifications submitted.
5. Personal Data captured in the Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume submitted Such as name, contact number of character references, signature, nationality, and photographs. For further verification of qualifications.
6. Documentation required under immigration laws. The organization may collect data on citizenship and details of residency or work permit (a physical copy and/or an electronic copy). To assess the requirements based on current immigration status and/or work permits of the applicant.
7. Talent management information. Information generated by your participation in psychological, technical, or behavioral assessments. Sample works such as but not limited to writings, presentations, designs, technical deliverables, artworks. To assess suitability for the position applied for or for other positions that could be satisfied by the qualifications submitted.
8. Information generated by us during recruitment Information generated by interviewers and recruiters related to you, based on interactions with you or basic Internet searches allowed under applicable law. To assess suitability of the position applied for or for other positions that could be satisfied by the qualifications submitted.

How do we use this information?

We aggregate and analyze information to determine what is most effective about our site and to help us identify ways to improve it. If you voluntarily submit information, we distribute it internally to our employees so that they can follow up with you or process your information in accordance with the explanation of how the information will be used at the point of data collection.

Do we share your information with outside parties?

We do not sell information gathered on our site. As a global organization, we may share your information with employees throughout our group of companies. On some occasions, we may need to share information with trusted vendors and business partners. For example, if you sign up for an online webinar, we may need to submit your data to a webinar vendor so they can send you login information. If you have any questions before you submit any information, send an e- mail to If you are located in the Philippines, you can email:

What about sensitive personal data?

We do not generally seek to collect sensitive personal data through this site. If we do collect such data, we will ask you to consent to our proposed use of the data. We may also collect some sensitive personal data incidentally. By providing us with unsolicited sensitive personal data, you consent to our using the data subject to applicable laws as described in this Privacy Statement. The references to “sensitive personal data” pertain to the various categories of personal data identified by data privacy laws in relevant jurisdictions as requiring special treatment, including in some circumstances the need to obtain explicit consent. These categories include, but are not limited to, personal identity numbers; nationality; membership in a trade union or profession or trade association; property matters; and detection and prevention of crime including the prevention of fraud.

Do we give you access to this information?

If you are in a jurisdiction with data privacy laws, you are entitled to know whether we hold information about you and, if we do, to have access to that information. You may also require your information to be corrected if it is inaccurate. You can do this by sending us an e-mail at For those located in the Philippines please email us at

What about data security?

We take appropriate steps to maintain the security of your data on our website. You should understand that the open nature of the Internet is such that data may flow over networks without security measures and may be accessed and used by people other than those for whom the data is intended. The personal data collected through our website is all in digital format. We do not print collected data, nor do we retain paper-based or hard copies. We subscribe to a third-party storage provider to collect and store the personal data collected. To ensure the protection of the personal data collected on our website, we confirm that the third-party storage provider complies with all relevant data privacy laws.

In summary, we are interested in maintaining your privacy and creating a valuable resource for you to use. Of course, if you have any questions, you may send us an email at For those located in the Philippines please email us at


ADEC Innovations Healthcare Inc.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy.

We are committed to protect and respect your personal data, guided by the relevant provisions of data privacy laws and regulations.

The following provides an overview of how your privacy is respected and protected on this website:

What information do we gather?

With your informed consent, we collect the following personal data in our website:

Category of Personal Data Specific Personal Data Collected
1. Personal Details First Name, Last Name.
2. Contact Details E-mail Address, Phone Number
3. Usage Data / Cookies* and geolocation data Internet Protocol Address (IP Address), browser type, browser version, the pages of the website visited, the time and date of visit, the time spent on specific pages of the website, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

* Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a site and allow a site to recognize your device.

If you are uncomfortable regarding the use of cookies, you can disable cookies on your computer by changing the settings in the preferences or options menu of your browser.

For which purposes and on which legal basis do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data only where required for specific purposes. The list of purposes and the corresponding legal basis for the collection of your personal data are outlined in the table below:

Personal Data Collected Purpose Legal Basis
1. Personal Details and Contact Details Facilitating communication with you Justified on the basis of our legitimate interests for ensuring proper communication and to address properly your inquiry or concern.

a) Justified on the basis of our legitimate interests for ensuring that you receive an excellent user experience, and our networks and information are secure.

b) Justified on the basis of our legitimate interests for ensuring that we only show you content based on the consent you provided.

2. Usage Data / Cookies and geolocation data Improving the security and functionality of our website, networks, and information; analyze traffic, enable social media functionality, and offer you marketing content and advertisements according to your interests.

What about sensitive personal data?

We do not seek or collect or otherwise process sensitive personal data through this site. Where it becomes necessary to process your sensitive personal data for any reason, we rely on your prior express consent for any processing which is voluntary (e.g., for marketing purposes). If we process your sensitive personal data for other purposes, we rely on the following legal bases: (i) detection and prevention of crime (including the prevention of fraud); (ii) establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; and (iii) compliance with applicable law.

How do we collect your personal data? (“Manner of Collection of Personal Data”)

Directly through the contact form in our website which will ask for your personal information together with your inquiry or concern.

We also collect your personal information indirectly through usage data (i.e. internet access logs) or cookies (Please see Part I and II of this Privacy Policy).

When you access the ADEC Innovations website, your Internet address is automatically collected and placed in our access logs. One way we collect information is through the use of cookies. Cookies are small files that save and retrieve information about your visit to the ADEC Innovations website such as how you entered and navigated through our site. The cookies we use identify you by number, not by name.

Do we share your information with third parties? (“Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties”)

As a global organization, we may share your information with employees of ADEC Innovations and third party-stakeholders of our company, but only to the extent necessary to address your inquiry or concerns. Such third party-stakeholders may be located in other countries.

Before we do so, we shall take the necessary steps to ensure that your personal data will be given adequate protection as required by relevant data privacy laws in the Philippines and in the territory of the third party, as well as in accordance with ADEC Innovations’ internal policies.

We also share your information through our third-party cloud service provider, where your personal data are stored in accordance with our instructions as Personal Information Controller (PIC) and within the retention limits set by our company. (see Part VI- Storage and Transmission of Personal Data and Part VII – Retention of Personal Data of this Privacy Policy).

How do you store and transmit personal information? (“Storage and Transmission of Personal Data”)

A. Storage
  • We use a third-party cloud-based CRM platform to store the personal data collected.
  • A unique account is registered through the CRM platform, which is administered by our designated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Administrator. This unique account is secured through a username and password known only to the CRM Administrator.
  • The data collected from our website through the form found therein are automatically transmitted to the third-party CRM platform.
  • In addition to the storage in the third-party cloud-based CRM platform, we store in an encrypted back up in our company secure local server.
B. Transmission
  • Any personal data we collected is automatically transmitted to our third-party cloud-based CRM platform.
  • Any personal data collected is likewise transmitted to our employees who may have a legitimate interest over the personal data, upon a written request by e-mail. The CRM Administrator transmits encrypted personal data by e-mail.

How do you store and transmit personal information? (“Storage and Transmission of Personal Data”)

We retain your data for a maximum of two (2) years, after which we delete or dispose of the same in accordance with our personal data disposal or deletion policy.

Disposal of Personal Data Collected

Disposal of Personal Data Collected in our website through our third-party storage platform and our back-up stored in the CRM Administrator’s computer/laptop is done after two (2) years from collection or upon request of the data subject. Should we need to retain your data for a longer period, you will be notified accordingly.

Our Data Privacy Compliance Office (DPCO) and DPOs monitor and audit respective personal data’s maturity, collected and stored and ensure that data reaching maturity of retention period shall be reviewed for usefulness and disposed of accordingly, following the company policies and procedures in disposal of personal data, to wit:

(a) Our CRM Administrator is the person mainly responsible to delete personal data upon its maturity or request of the data subject. As a policy, all personal data collected in our website are in digital format. These are deleted through the third-party cloud-based CRM Platform by the CRM administrator. A written report of deletion of personal data (with details of the deletion, such as date, time and place of deletion, persons present, manner of deletion and description of the personal data deleted), shall be accomplished by the CRM Administrator for submission to the DPO.

(b) Our third-party cloud-based storage provider is also notified through a request to be made by the CRM Administrator of the maturity of the personal data collected and/or the request made by the data subject, with an instruction that the same should be deleted permanently from their system. A written report shall be required of the third-party cloud-based storage provider, with details of the deletion, such as date, time and place of deletion, persons present, manner of deletion and description of the personal data deleted.

(c) As to the back-up copy of the personal data collected stored in the laptop/computer of the CRM Administrator, the same are deleted in the same manner as letter (a) hereof.

Security Measures to Protect your Personal Data

We take appropriate steps to maintain the security of your data on the ADEC Innovations website.

We are implementing organizational, physical, and technical security arrangements for all the personal data we hold. We have protocols, controls and relevant policies, procedures, and guidance to maintain these arrangements taking into account the risks associated with the categories of personal data and the processing we undertake.

We adopt organizational and market leading security measures and technology, and maintain annual certifications by leading authorities in compliance, in order to protect your personal data, including but not limited to:

A. Organizational Measures. Our company has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and Compliance Office (COP) to ensure compliance with DPA. We also ensure that all our employees are equipped with knowledge on DPA, through internal and external trainings and seminars. Our company conducts Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), especially for our teams who handle the company’s website, to ensure that personal data is protected at all times.

Access to personal data collected through our website are granted only to authorized personnel. Each personnel with access to personal data shall verify his or her identity using a secure encrypted link and multi-level authentication.

We ensure that a data sharing agreement, with specific provisions on security measures to protect your data is executed with our service providers, including our third-party cloud-based service storage provider.

B. Physical and Technical Security Measures. The personal data collected through our website are all in digital format. Hence, we do not print collected data, nor do we retain paper-based or hard copies thereof.

    • We review and evaluate software applications before its installation in computers and devices owned by the organization to ensure compatibility of security features with the overall operations, including the third-party cloud-service storage we use to store the personal data collected through our website.
    • We review security policies, conduct vulnerability assessments and perform penetration testing within the company on a regular schedule to be prescribed by our BTS & InfoSec department.
    • Encryption, authentication process, and other technical security measures that control and limit access to personal data are implemented. All files with personal data collected are password-protected and may only be accessed by authorized personnel.

A full and comprehensive procedure of these Security Measures is available upon request.

  • We also subscribe to the following globally recognized Quality Management Standards (ISO/IEC 9001) and Information Security Management Standards (ISO/IEC 27001) and conform to globally accepted best practices, to ensure personal data remain safe and secured while it is processed with transparency, legitimacy and proportionality to preserve its confidentiality, integrity and availability, thereby upholding the data privacy rights of our employees, customers and business stakeholders. Our organization remains compliant and ensures updated certification for ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 14001; and implements reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal data against natural dangers such as accidental loss or destruction; and human dangers such as unlawful access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful destruction, alteration and contamination:
    1. ISO/IEC 27002, Information Technology – Security Techniques—Code of Practice for Information Security Controls;
    2. ISO/IEC 27003, Information Technology- Security Techniques – Information Security Management System Implementation Guidance;
    3. ISO/IEC 27005, Information Technology – Security Techniques – Information Security Risk Management;
    4. ISO/IEC 29134, Information Technology – Security Techniques—Guidelines for Privacy Impact Assessment;
    5. ISO/IEC 29151, Information Technology – Security Techniques—Code of Practice for personally identifiable information (PII) protection;
    6. ISO/IEC 29100, Information Technology – Security Techniques – Privacy Framework;
    7. ISO/IEC 3100:2018 Guidelines on Risk Assessment; and
    8. ISO/IEC 27018:2014 Information Technology- Security Techniques—Code of Practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors.

While we use reasonable technical and administrative measures within our means to protect your data against unauthorized or unlawful use, processing, accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or access, accidental or unlawful destruction or damage thereto, you must understand that the open nature of the Internet is such that data may flow over networks without security measures and may be accessed and used by people other than those for whom the data is intended. Thus, please remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

What are your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data?

The following are your rights subject to limitations set by law:

  • RIGHT TO INFORMATION This right entitles you to know the specific personal data being collected, the purposes for its processing.
  • RIGHT OF ACCESS This right entitles you to know whether we hold personal data about you and, if we do, to obtain information on and a copy of that personal data.
  • RIGHT TO RECTIFICATION This right entitles you to have your personal data be corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • RIGHT TO OBJECT This right entitles you to object the processing of your personal data.
  • RIGHT TO ERASURE This right entitles you to request the erasure of your personal data, especially when it is no longer necessary to achieve the purposes.
  • RIGHT TO RESTRICTION OF PROCESSING This right entitles you to limit the personal data to be processed.
  • RIGHT TO DATA PORTABILITY This right entitles you to receive a copy (in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format) of personal data that you have provided to us or request us to transmit such personal data to another data controller.

Withdrawal of Consent. Right to Complaint and Damages

To the extent that the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time by contacting ADEC Innovations’ Data Protection Officer. Please note that this will not affect ADEC Innovations’ right to process personal data obtained prior to the withdrawal of your consent, or its right to continue parts of the processing based on other legal bases than your consent.

If, despite our commitment and efforts to protect your personal data, you believe that your data privacy rights have been violated, we encourage and welcome you to first seek resolution of any complaint. You have the right, at all times, to register or file a complaint directly with the relevant supervisory authority (the National Privacy Commission) or to make a claim against us with a competent court (either in the country where you live, the country where you work or the country where you deem that data privacy law has been infringed), with a right to seek damages.

For any concerns and request to exercise the foregoing rights, except those which are within the jurisdiction of the NPC or a competent court, you may contact us at



ZDHC对大宗化学品的定义是,具有已知化学结构和单一CAS(Chemical Abstracts Service)编号的单一物质或化合物。这些化学品通常用于制造过程中创造条件或作为辅助剂。不同厂家生产的两种大宗化学品具有相同性和互换性。它们通常不会留在最终产品上,而是在加工过程中被清洗掉了。

虽然大宗化学品包含在ZDHC MRSL(制造限制物质清单)中,但由于在ZDHC网关中参与大宗化学品行业并将这些物质纳入符合ZDHC MRSL的ZDHC网关产品数据库仍有一定挑战,所以大宗化学品被排除在Performance InCheck报告之外。








供应商应熟悉ZDHC大宗化学品指南ZDHC Commodity Chemical Guide。本指南概述了管理大宗化学品的最佳做法,确保它们得到负责任的评估和储存。

有关大宗化学品的更多信息,请点击这里click here









✅自动化合规性追踪,并确保符合ZDHC MRSL和其他法规。






除了CleanChain的功能优势之外,它还帮助用户简化了与电子表格相关的复杂性操作。 关于东丽酒伊织染(南通)有限公司

东丽酒伊织染 (南通) 有限公司 (公司简称 TSD), 成立于1994年, 是东丽集团 (Toray) 在中国投资规模最大的制造型公司, 是一家以化学合成纤维为主的坯布织造、功能性面料加工·染色、成衣制造销售及水处理 为核心事业的公司。公司拥有从新技术研 发、织造/染色/后整理/检测及成衣制 造的一条龙生产流程。作为东丽海外的标 杆工厂, TSD拥有一流的安全、环境和职业 卫生、能源管理体系, 践行着TSD对于社会 责任感的承诺。公司秉承“通过创造新的 价值为社会做贡献”的企业理念, 以不懈的 创新精神和科技实力为客户不断开发品质 上乘、性能卓越的面料, 谋求与每一位顾客 的共同发展。


在采用CleanChain这款在线化学品管理系统之前, 我们在执行ZDHC的过程中, 由于化学品使用类别多且量大, 很难实现实时追踪现有化学品的MRSL合规性。同时, 针对没有合规性的化学品以及证书到期的产品, 我们需要人工核实和整理相关列表, 并一一和化学品制剂商进行沟通。整个过程需要花费大量的时间,极大地影响我们的工作效率。另外, 如何提高MRLS的整体符合性,也是我们的一大挑战。最后, 在采用系统前, 我们不明确我司客户对于我们进入CleanChain平台持何种态度及其认可程度如何。


我司化学品管理工作者每月在系统里按时上传化学品清单,并下载InCheck报告。为了避免用户错过上传的时间截点, CleanChain还会有自动化的邮件提醒用户及时上传化学品数据。除了定期上传化学品数据外, 我们日常工作中,也会利用系统的Dashboard来查看到期的产品以及没有合规性的产品列表。根据这份列表, 我们有针对性地和化学品供应商开展高效的沟通, 鼓励并帮助他们对未合规的产品进行检测并上传至ZDHC Gateway网关。同时, 在数据的分享上, 通过CleanChain的connect功能, 与客户取得关联, 系统可自动帮助用户将CIL数据和InCheck报告分享给我们的合作品牌。CleanChain在数据的管理上, 帮助我们节省了手动分享报告和清单的时间, 大大地提高了工作效率 。


The implementation of the CleanChain platform has significantly reduced our exposure to chemical risk substances while greatly enhancing the efficiency of our chemical management efforts. Additionally, adopting CleanChain has strengthened customer recognition and trust, particularly among those familiar with or already utilizing the platform. Ultimately, CleanChain plays a key role in advancing our sustainability initiatives.

采用CleanChain系统,在很大程度上帮助我司规避了化学品的风险物质, 也大大提高了我司化学品管理方向的工作效率。同时, CleanChain系统的采用提升了客户对于我司的认可度及信任度, 尤其是对于了解或者已经使用CleanChain平台的客户而言。最后, CleanChain促进了我司可持续发展进程。
